My Weightloss Ticker

Monday, May 19, 2008

Full Write Up

I'm working on a full write up of the past week's events - they've been amazing.

To brief you, until I get it written up well:
~on Wednesday night, my friend shared with me her concern of my weight and said that she and 3 of my other friends had gone in together and gotten me a year's membership to a gym
~on Thursday, I met with the general manager to go over a lot of stuff and my friends also got me a year of personal training - once per month
~i went to the gym on Saturday to meet with the trainer and got my plan set up then just did some treadmill work

i go tonight to do my first planned gym workout. my friends are rotating so that one of them will be with me everytime i go to the gym.

there's so much more to fill in, but i just wanted to update briefly and share my updated success... check the ticker!



Andrew is getting fit said...

You have some great friends!

I look forward to your longer writeup.

Cammy@TippyToeDiet said...

Look at you!! I turn my back for a day or seven and you've got weight falling off all over the place! I'm so proud for you!

What loving, generous friends you have! I hope you have the same wonderful trainer experience that I've had. They really do have one single goal: to get the maximum workout for you! I'm really looking forward to your report!

Thanks so much for letting me know you're back to blogging! I've got you added to my reader properly now, so I hope to be here for every additional pound! (If you don't hear from me, feel free to knock on my door. I don't want to miss a minute!)

Anonymous said...

I am waiting anxiously for the update on the first workout!

MB said...

You are lucky to have such amazing caring friends and you have friends on-line cheering you on. You can do this! Stay strong.