My Weightloss Ticker

Saturday, August 16, 2008

a week gone

today it's been a week since my friend's had a baby... then lost him only moments later.
this was the trial i briefly shared with you in my last post.
continue to remember them in your prayers as they cling to the only true hope - Christ alone.

on the weight front... i'm down another pound.  34.8 is my total as of this morning.
i haven't had the best (not the worst either) week as far as eating goes (mostly because of the hectic week of schedule with the friends i mentioned), and i missed the gym to attend the baby's memorial/worship service (which i'm so thankful what a testimony!) - but was glad to be back in there this morning.  

i stayed steady at 3.0mph on the treadmill for about 90-95% of my 30 minutes (after my hour of weight training) so i was really proud of that.  i burned over 400 calories! (based on what the machine said...) yay!

a friend is in town for the weekend, so the food could potentially be a disaster again... eek!

Monday, August 11, 2008

a little more...

well, i'm down another almost 1/2 pound. 33.8 is my total. i haven't seen the weight 344 in a long time. it's still a bad number, of course but i'm forever to stay under 350. i mean that.

my friends and i are in the midst of some trials right now - as we spend time with friends who are grieving. emotional eating can take over... so while you pray for my friends, pray for me, too.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Over the hump!


I really need to work on my patience.

33.4 pounds!
85 days at the gym, 108 days all together.

This is the most ever! YAY...

update - i just realized that i'm now up to 14% of my goal... and i've lost 8.8 percent of my weight. woo!!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


i found this picture on google images. it make me nod my head. so, here you go.
i'm back down 31 pounds, which is great, but i'm growing impatient in getting over the 32 pound hump. hopefully by the end of the week, we'll see some change in the numbers. erg!